We all know that dogs can be deadly to plants, but do you know which plants can also harm your dog. Most of the plants listed will only make your dog sick, but some can kill. If you believe your dog has eaten or even chewed on any of the following plants, call your veterinarian immediately.
American yew | Delphinium | Mock orange |
Angel’s trumpet | Elderberry | Moonweed |
Apricot, Almond | English holly | Mushrooms & Toadstools |
Arrowgrass | English yew | Oleander |
Azalea | Foxglove | Peach tree |
Bird of paradise | Hemlock | Pokeweed |
Bittersweet | Jasmine | Privet |
Black locust | Jimsonweed | Rhododendron |
Buttercup | Larkspur | Rhubarb |
Castor bean | Lilly of the valley | Skunk cabbage |
Cherry tree | Locoweed | Soapberry |
China berry | Lupine | Spinach |
Coriara | Mescal bean | Tomato vine |
Daffodil | Mistletoe | Wisteria |