So you are looking for the best vacuum for your dog? Although this task is not easy, it is very important that you identify the best features so that you can the pick best vacuum for pet hair removal....Read More
Our pets are often like part of the family and we can’t imagine living without them. Whether they are brand new or fully trained, they come with lots of responsibilities. We need to consider their h...Read More
A To Z Names From Left To Right Abby Abel Abercrombie Abracadabra Ace Achilles Action Admiral Adonis Adriatic Aesop Affinity Ajax Akira Aladdin Alastair Alcatraz Alchemy Aldo Alfalfa Alger Ali Baba Al...Read More
We all know that dogs can be deadly to plants, but do you know which plants can also harm your dog. Most of the plants listed will only make your dog sick, but some can kill. If you believe your dog h...Read More
Veterinarians at Kansas State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine say that people trying to protect their puppies by vaccinating them against certain diseases could be doing more harm th...Read More
Helpful items to keep on hand. Your Veterinarian can occasionally save you a trip in by explaining how to care for your dog’s minor problems at home. The following items are what we consider bas...Read More
1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that BEFORE you get me. 2. Give me time to understand what you want from me. 3. Place your trust in m...Read More